Thursday, June 25, 2009

Our 2nd day as a family of seven!

Today was incredibly awesome and a blessing in so many ways.  Some of the awkwardness was gone, better communication is happening, and the girls are amazingly bright, fun and motivated students (in math, English, Chinese, and reading.) We had breakfast today at our hotel- a very Chinese one with rice and vegetables and fish...but the girls ate well!  We didn't have to be anywhere official until 3:00, so we enjoyed time with Michael having lunch at his friends' restaurant, and sight-seeing at the ancient wall of the original city of Louyang.  It is HOT here - 42 degrees Celcius, whatever that is, and it's just as humid as Atlanta!  The difference is that A/C is very sketchy in most places and we are spoiled Americans!  We went to the office to get our documents notarized, and 2 hours later, the job was done.   But this time we came prepared with lots to do, and it was a JOY to watch our FIVE children have a blast playing Uno, the card game, for well over an hour and laughing and communicating well!  Ryan, Joel and Jenna have been amazing with their new sisters - and it's a gift from heaven.  They have been resilient, cooperative through crazy schedules and lots of waiting, very sensitive to the girls, and have poured love and fun into them.  We visited the outside of the orphanage and some of their friends came out (we weren't allowed in because of the swine flu risk).  This was a very emotional time for the girls that included tears, understandably.  They've lost so much in life, and their choice is to change everything about their lives for a new family, or grow up alone.  It was good to see that they are loved and well cared for there, including their teachers.  The day ended with a meal with Director Pei and special teachers and friends  of the LuoYang Children's Home in a very nice Chinese restaurant.  I'll let the pictures tell the story for that.  Tomorrow...another flight to Guangzhou for lots more paperwork...and sightseeing in the morning.  Now, for the pictures!


  1. I am so very very very HAPPY for all of you. I also understand somewhat the feelings you are experiencing since I have been able to see you in this journey from beginning to this beautiful end. How wonderful is our amazing FATHER!!!!! Much Love to All!!!

  2. I am so happy for the twins. I definitely understand the experience when the old kids are being adopted, they are very excited about going to america and have parents. meanwhile, it is sad they have to say goodbye to the follow friends and all the Ayi with whom they loved.
